Now I was at school when Donna first trickled into the charts. As if admitting to enjoying something in the charts wasn't bad enough, this was an era where if you weren't wandering the corridor with the latest Mahavishnu Orchestra album firmly in your grasp you were clearly some kind of uncultured yobbo.
Now a single bathed in retro humour that snuggled safely in the top 5 and which was released on, horror of horrors, Jonathan King's record label had to suggest I had taken leave of my senses. However, it was a damned fine record then and still is. Not sure what to say about Mr King these days though!
Rubber Bullets was a home run for me and I was delighted to see it soar to top position in the charts.
Being a confirmed fan I was looking forward to an album and it didn't disappoint. What was incredibly amusing was the endorsement by John Peel on the album sleeve which had my hipper than hip schoolchums in quite a quandry!
The album's a delight from top to botton and provided further single success with the sublime The Dean And I. It's all entirely open to the charge of being a bit too clever for its' own good, but that's never stood in the way of the tremendous quality of the music.
The band went onto make a series of good albums but I'm not convinced they ever managed to top their debut effort. The loss of Kevin Godley and Lol Creme disrupted the magical chemistry of the original quartet and neither grouping was as strong apart as they were together.
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