Sunday 16 August 2009

Film Review : Inglourious Basterds

Not a film to test your spellchecker out with, Inglourious Basterds is the latest movie by Quentin Tarantino and all of the indications were that this was a movie worth seeing. That rather underplays its' many virtues, as it's a movie that undoubtedly worth seeing a second time (and more!).

I'm not sure if there's anything in the movie that will convert those not already fans of Tarantino's hugely entertaining canon but then again, I can't fully understand anyone who doesn't find something in at least a couple of his movies. There's also nothing here for those that have a dislike of history being messed with - it would be fair to say that just one or two things happen in this movie that didn't happen during the Second World War.

The film itself is made up of two back stories which come together allowing the tale to reach a fiery conclusion. As ever with Tarantino, there's great dialogue along with an ensemble cast who all give terrific performances. Oh yes, and some pretty gross-out violence.

Brad Pitt is great as the gung-ho leader of the Basterds which forms one of the threads, whilst Melanie Laurent leads the other as the surviving daughter of a Jewish family slaughtered by the Nazis. That slaughter was led by Colonel Landa of the SS who is superbly played by Christoph Waltz in the outstanding performance of the movie. In a single scene, he is able to generate both the chills you would expect from the heartless thugs you expect to find and generate laughs.

The film balances some serious(ish) intent with humour throughout. All the main characters find themselves in absurd situations which both provide hearty laughs as well as the move the story along.

The last number of Tarantino's films have played very much to his fanbase (Death Proof plus the two Kill Bills) but this is very much a return to his best form and might even be his best movie.

Now when will I be able to get to see this again?

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